Think of the skin-microbiome as your skin's natural community. It is the diverse beneficial microorganisms that live on the skin surface, also known as skin flora. It plays an important role in protecting the skin from disease-causing bacteria and in the development of a healthy skin barrier.
When there is an imbalance or disruption in the skin-microbiome, we begin to see problems with the skin. These range from everyday issues like oily and dry skin to chronic ailments like eczema. When we remove healthy bacteria from the skin, the harmful bacteria begins to dominate.
Several factors can help your child develop a diverse and healthy skin-microbiome, including:
To put it simply, being in a microbial-rich environment is necessary to the development of your child’s skin-microbiome.
Did you know that by the age of 3-4, the skin-microbiome and immune system is established? This means the foundation is laid in the early years, and developing a healthy skin-microbiome then is critical for a lifetime of healthy skin.
Compared to historical practices, modern society’s hygiene practices are extreme. We often over-clean skin to free it from all bacteria, including healthy bacteria that protects us from disease and infection. For example, the healthy bacteria on our skin combats the harmful S. Aureus (staph) bacteria that proliferates in eczema-prone skin.
We also fail to expose our children to a microbial-rich enviroment. They often spend most of their time indoors instead of the great outdoor, causing them to become more susceptible to eczema and environmental allergies.
TLDR; For the first few months of baby’s life, we recommend only using a gentle, non-drying cleanser like our Lullaby Melting Balm Cleanser and letting your baby's skin figure everything else out. Here is why we think it is the best natural baby wash for newborn skin!